Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Yorkshire sculpture park.

Anthony Caro - Promenade

The scale of the structure is very large, for example if you take a look at the picture you can see that the size compared to the human form is extremely different. ‘Promenade’ is a large painted steel structure which has an almost smooth texture to the touch. The main idea of the sculpture is the idea of strolling in a public place; the sculpture evokes the rhythm and movements of walking. The structure is situated next to a large stream in an open space where people generally would go walking, this relates to them meaning as it evokes the rhythm and the movements of walking.

Peter Liversidge - Everything is Connected
The scale of this structure is large; it is roughly twelve foot in height, the average height of two human beings. The structure consists of materials such as metal, bulbs and plastic which have a smooth but also lumpy texture to the metal in parts. ‘Everything is connected’ is a realised proposal, the statement sums up the philosophy of contempary art reverencing the relevance, function and theory of art with regards to the politics of the art market. The context relates to the meaning as the structure is in a very natural contempary setting whereas the structure is modern and lit up by lights and the space around it is very natural, this relates as the actual structure says ‘everything is connected’ and shows that natural contempary is still a connection with new and politics.

Magdalena Abakanowicz – Ten Seated Figures
The scale of the figures is large; it is roughly the length of an average lorry and is ten feet in height. The material used to create the sculpture is cast iron and the texture is rough to touch. The figures provide a strong sculptural statement about war and political oppression. The surrounding of the sculpture relates to the meaning as there is a courtyard situated in front of them which could be thought as a battlefield relating to the war.

Michael Zwingmann – Invasion
The size of the sculptures are just short of two meters in height at 1.83 meters and weigh almost five tonnes, the sculptures are made of pouring liquid asphalt into large steel formers which hardens when it cools. The sculptures are smooth but rigid on one side. The main idea is that from a distance they look like large hay bales however when you go up close you can clearly see that the solidity and potential menace of the material and the work demonstrates a collision between the manmade and natural words. This relates to the surroundings as he could be proposing that what once seem to be an achievement over nature has come to be considered an assault, the title, materials and presence of the piece suggests an invasion of the natural landscape.

Sketches from Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

photographs of most sculptures at 'YSP'

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